Earth Day is right around the corner, and I wanted to share 5 Earth Day kids books with you. We live on this beautiful earth and we need to take care of it every single day, not just Earth Day. Since I became a teacher in 2006, it’s hit or miss if primary grade students understand the different ways in which they can help the earth. I always enjoy celebrating Earth day in the classroom and reading Earth Day picture books to my students. Introducing Earth Day, recycling, and ways to help the Earth can start as simple as reading a book. Here are my top 5 Earth Day books for kids.
* Each book title links to Amazon just to make it easy – you can read reviews, a summary, and order should you choose! (This post contains affiliate links.)

The Lorax
Who doesn’t love reading a Dr. Seuss book? The Lorax is one of my favorite Dr. Seuss books, and it is a great Earth Day book to read to your kids. The Lorax has many messages that you can convey to your students. The first is being like the Lorax and being an advocate by speaking up for things you don’t believe should be happening. Second is protecting earth’s natural resources. You can have your students brainstorm a list of ways they can conserve our resources. Finally, keep our water ways and land areas clean. What can we do to help keep our areas clean?
The Summary of The Lorax
The story is about the Once-ler and how he came upon a pretty place with Truffula Trees and many animals. He knew the Truffula Trees’ soft tuft could make him rich by making Thneeds, which could be used for many different things like a sock, shirt, glove, hat, or many other things. As soon as the Once-ler cuts down the first tree, the Lorax appeared and began fighting for the protection of the trees. Even with all his fight, the Lorax couldn’t stop the growth of the Thneeds factory. Over time, the Lorax continued to stand up for the trees and the other animals until there was nothing left of the pretty place that the Once-ler first came upon.

Our Class Is Going Green
Kids love reading books written by other kids their age. I picked up the book, Our Class Is Going Green by the kindergarten students from Oak Park Elementary School, from a Scholastic Book order. It’s a hit every year I read it. Students love it because it’s written and illustrated by students their age. In the book, the students write different ways in which their class is going to make their environment a better place. Finally, there is an assignment asking for ways that your class can take care of the earth and go green. I always use this as an opportunity for my students to write their own book.

Where Does the Garbage Go?
Where Does the Garbage Go? by Paul Showers is an informative book about what happens to our trash once we throw it away in the trash can. By the end of this book, students will understand where the trash goes once it gets picked up and why it’s important that we now have the option to recycle. Students will never think about their trash in the same way again.

I Can Save The Ocean!
I Can Save The Ocean!: The Little Green Monster Cleans Up The Beach by Alison Inches has a similar message to The Lorax. In the story, Max loves to visit the beach and go swimming. He gets annoyed when he keeps finding trash that interferes with him having fun at the beach. Max then decides to take a stand and help make the ocean beautiful again. He begins picking up his own trash and stops others from littering at the beach too. Max soon discovers, on his way home, that pollution is all around him and that affects the ocean too. In conclusion, he finds ways that he can help the ocean at home and not just at the beach.

Fancy Nancy: Every Day Is Earth Day
What’s great about Fancy Nancy: Every Day Is Earth Day by Jane O’Connor is that it’s a great read aloud book but it is also a good book for students to read independently. Nancy is learning about Earth Day in school. She takes what she learns in school and tries to implement it at home. Her ideas are good natured but maybe going a bit too far. Can her and her family find a good medium in going green? Borrow this book from your local library to discover more about how Nancy goes green at her house.
Earth Day Activities for Your Classroom

If your students can’t get enough of Earth Day children’s books, be sure to check out these Earth Day coloring pages! You’ll find all kinds of options that focus on helping your students learn! There are color-by-numbers, color-by-letters, and even color-by-sight words! These coloring pages are great for keeping your students entertained while helping them learn! These packages contain 28-46 pages, depending on which one you select. But the best part of all? Your students can use what they’ve been learning from the books to help them color these pages!
Earth Day Craft
If you’re looking for an Earth Day craft activity for your students, I share my Earth Day craft template here.

Are you still looking for more ideas? Check out the FREE Reading Graphic Organizer today! This tool can help students identify the main idea, story elements, and the beginning, middle, and end of stories. It can be used with any story you want to introduce in your classroom, and best of all, it’s FREE!

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